ONE BIG FART was written to offer adults an amusing and non-threatening way to introduce the concept of climate change to children, and to teach them that they too, can be instrumental in decreasing the carbon footprint with simple, everyday choices.

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; We borrow it from our children.” – Native American Proverb

I was playing with my baby brother just the other day
showing him how to crawl and teaching him to stay.
As he got ahead of me, I smelled something I couldn’t see.

This invisible cloud polluted my space
and stunk to high heaven as it drifted across my face.
He had let out ONE BIG FART! Pee-ew!

I live in a city with parts that are pretty.
The parks are green and our yards are clean,
but the factories make fumes and release dark plumes.

There is so much smog, that it even chokes my dog!
It’s just like the city let out ONE BIG FART! Pee-ew!

And there are places that are just plain yuck,
like the one by the school covered with dust and muck,
where the crowds are loud and the cars make clouds.

Just the other day, as I went out to play,
a truck went by and to my dismay
it let out ONE BIG FART! Pee-ew!

A school trip to the farm to learn more about our earth,
the plants and animals and even their birth!
Corn fields and cows, I’m so excited now!

We’ll see them roam free and graze under trees.
They’ll be lots of fresh air, and a breeze through my hair.
A break from the farts, no more pee-ews!

We follow the farmer around the farm,
to see all the animals and all of their charm.
The pigs all hop as we bring them their slop.

The horses says “neigh” as they wait for their hay.
The cows all cry “moo” because they want some hay too!

I stroll through the farm and am quite alarmed
when out of the blue, a cow let out a rip that made me flip!

Then one after another, the farting continued,
until I was certain there was a cloud of “Pee-ew!”
It was like the farm let out ONE BIG FART!

I think to myself, “What’s with all the farts?”
Is it the end of the world and this is just the start?
For all that gas, (that gets passed),
could make our world a thing of the past.

So what can we do, and what should be done,
to reduce all this emission put out by the ton?
I’ll have to ask mom, she’ll know these things,
since she recycles and reuses just about everything.

“Every person leaves a mark on this planet”, mom explains,
“this thing called a ‘carbon footprint’ is what it’s named.”

“The size of our footprint shows how much we’ve used,
and all of the ways our earth’s been abused.”

“There are so many ways we can make an impact,
just by making some changes in the way that we act.”

“Such as eating foods that are locally grown,
so that much of it doesn’t have to be shipped or flown.”

“And eating less meat can be quite a hoot
and it would save lots of animals to boot!”

“Riding a bike not only saves gas,
but a healthier way to complete most tasks.
Also start conserving water and don’t let the tap run,
for wasting it all just isn’t much fun.”

“By unplugging electronics when they're not in use,
think of how much energy can be reduced."
“And with all that is not used, they'll be fewer pee-ews!”

So spread the word to your friends and family,
that we can save the planet by being more eco-friendly.
“Go green! Go green!” is the phrase we should say,
for our efforts together could save the day!

We can prevent this growing cloud of pee-ew,
polluting our air and mother earth, too!
So hurry up and do your part,
before all we breathe is ONE BIG FART!

If you like this story, please support the author by purchasing it directly through Amazon.

10% of the proceeds will go towards organizations working to combat climate change.

One Big Fart follows the story of a little boy as he begins to notice greenhouse gases affecting the environment around him and how, with the help of his mom, he learns how to do his part to reduce his own carbon footprint. This book was written to offer adults an amusing and non-threatening way to introduce the concepts of climate change and conservation to children, and to teach them that they too, can be instrumental in decreasing the carbon footprint with simple, everyday choices.

This educational picture book includes 11 pages of hand drawn illustrations and is perfect for adults who want to introduce serious topics like pollution, greenhouse gases, climate change, conservation, Eco-friendliness, global warming and carbon footprint to children in a humorous way.

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; We borrow it from our children.” – Native American Proverb